
6 abodes of lord muruga
6 abodes of lord muruga

When the babies attained a certain age Lord Shiva blessed them and made them as one person (i.e.) God Muruga. Lord Shiva arranged six beautiful maidens called ‘Karthigai Pengal'(Women of Karthiga) to look after the babies. When the fire sparks cooled down, it changed to six beautiful babies and lay on six beautiful lotus flowers. But the fire sparks were so powerful that they dropped them in the holy Ganges. He called Lord Agni (God of Fire) and Lord Vayu (God of Air) to carry that great fire sparks. So they once again sought Lord Shiva’s grace. Now once again Devas could not endure the heat energy of these fire sparks. He opened his forehead eye and created Six Great Fire Sparks emitting heat energy. The penance of Parvathi and the sacrifice of Kama paid off finally. Parvathi agreed to help, and engaged herself in a severe penance to attract Shiva’s attention, while Kama engaged himself in the “suicidal mission” of arousing Shiva from His Samadhi. Upon Brahma’s suggestion, they sought the help of Parvathi and Kama (the God of Love). None of the Devas dared to disturb him… least of all convince him to create a progeny. Brahma proclaimed, “only the spark of Shiva can produce the hero who will defeat the powers of the evil” Unfortunately, Shiva, the “king of the yogis” was in deep state of meditation. Tormented by the asura (demon/anti God) Surapadma, the devas with Indra as the leader sought the help of the creator, Brahma. This story of the birth of Skanda or Kumara boggles the imagination. The celebration includes a dramatic enactment of “Soora Samhaaram” each year (a play where Muruga kills the demon). Skanda Shasti celebrates the destruction of evil by the Supreme General Karthikeya, the younger son of Shiva. Skanda Sashti, the sixth day in the bright half of the month of Aippasi (Oct 15 – Nov 15), is celebrated in all the “Shaivite temples” across Tamil Nadu with grandeur and pomp.

6 abodes of lord muruga full#

It is believed that any devotee visiting the 6 abodes of Muruga, at least once in the lifetime gets the full measure of the Lord’s grace. It is observed in the month of Aippasi (October-November) that commemorates the victory of Lord Skanda over the Demon Surapadma. This source is the Supreme Being, variously described as God, Brahman or Atman.Skanda Sashti or Skanda Shasti is the most important festival dedicated to Lord Muruga or Karthikeya. Its objective lies in merging individual consciousness with the source from which it sprung in the first place. an uncompromising journey to realise the Self. Spirituality is the relentless search for absolute truth. This world is comprised of duality and the only truth that it admits is the relativity of its own truth. Ordinary human experience is familiar with the relative world. It requires subtlety of mind and suppleness of intellect to grasp spiritual truths. The spiritual search is the search for absolute happiness. It should be easily evident from these lines that the grace of Lord Murugan is indispensible to the attainment of liberation. The cock heralds the coming of day and the passing of night symbolises the inauguration of the sunlight of self-knowledge by tearing through the darkness of ignorance. The cock on his banner symbolises the nada-Brahman (god in the form of sound). Beneath the peacock lies the cobra which means that the lord is absolutely fearless, immortal and wise. His mount is the peacock which means that he is totally above pride, ego and vanity. He possesses all the six divine attributes including wisdom, dispassion, strength, fame, wealth and divine powers. Lord Murugan is married to Valli and Deivayani and carries a vel, each representing the force of desire, action and wisdom respectively. The sixth face symbolises Pranava Om (the primal source of wisdom or communion in silence).Īccording to some, the six syllables express six different attributes including purity, bounty, light, auspiciousness, splendor and infinite power. The six faces of Lord Muruga symbolise the manifestation of the supreme self in the execution of its five principal functions including creation, preservation, destruction, involution or veiling and anugraham (grace). These six stages symbolically represent the six abodes of Lord Muruga (Palani, Trichendur, Swamimalai, Tirutani, Tiruparakundaram and Pazhamuthircholai.) He is also credited to be the source of the twenty-five eternal tattvas or principles. The process of meditation is said to involve a shifting of the focal point across six stages or chakras, from the muladhara chakra based at the bottom of the spine to the thousand-petal sahasra chakra located at the top of the head. A bija-mantra is the seed mantra of a particular deity. The first two syllables are said to be Kumarabijas, the middle two syllables are said to be Shaktibijas and the last two syllables are said to be Shivabijas.

6 abodes of lord muruga